Chincoteague | Anniversary Trip

Chincoteague & Assateague Island | Virginia | May 19-21 , 2017 

This post is going to be kinda long! I am recapping Michael and I’s anniversary trip to Chincoteague last weekend. One night in March Michael asked me to find a location he had sketched on a real map. It was actually harder than you think!! All I knew was it was a peninsula on the East Coast. It was Chincoteague! He Surprised me with a booked private waterfront cottage with a fire pit for our anniversary!!! (Y’all Air B&B is GREAT!!) 

Friday night we packed up our car and drove up (yes UP- you gotta go north to go south for this trip!) But our 4 hours ride turned into a 6 hour ride! The traffic was horrible but we spent the whole car ride laughing, talking, and watching an impressive thunderstorm! We feasted on Taco Bell (The Naked Chicken Chips are AH-MAZING!) and as soon as we got to our little yellow cottage we settled in and when right to sleep.

Saturday we woke up and headed out to breakfast at the Chincoteague Diner  which had really awesome breakfast! Then we headed over to the dock to go on Captain Barry’s Back Bay Tour. I had been on the tours before when I was a little kid. We collected sea shells, dug for fiddler crabs, played with snails, discovered oyster beds that are usually covered at High Tide, and Michael tried an oyster off the half shell right out of the bay! I did not try it, but Michael said it was salty and kinda sandy. Then we went crabbing – Michael got to pull the crab traps up. 2 of them were pregnant which was super cool to see! (We let those 2 go!) If you ever find yourself in Chincoteague I highly recommend doing this tour. After the tour we stopped at J & B Subs  to eat some awesome subs!!After lunch we headed out to Assateague Island to see the light house, visitors centers, the wild ponies, and the beach. We wanted to stay at the beach longer but the wind that day was INTENSE (32mph to be exact) and the sand and shells were getting blown everywhere and it hurt. Afterwords we headed back to the cottage to get cleaned up and dressed up for our special anniversary dinner. We went to Bills’ PRIME Seafood & Steaks  and the food was AMAZING!!! We ordered SO MUCH FOOD (we had a TON of left overs). For dessert we roasted marshmallows over the fire pit at the cottage. 

Sunday, May 21st was Michael and I’s FIRST wedding anniversary. So we woke up and headed to the super popular Sandy Pony Donuts food truck (they have a store front in Annapolis). We took them to go so we could enjoy them with some Prosecco! Once we finished eating we packed up all our things, loaded up the car, and said goodbye to the view, the stray cats, and the cottage. We headed into town for some sight seeing and shopping! We got hoodies, bumper stickers, magnets, t shirts, a home baked doggie treat for Lily Mae, and the famous Salt Water Pony Tails Taffy! After that we drove over to Assateague again to look for more horses because on Saturday there we were SO MANY that EVERYONE stopped to take photos and there was no place for us to pull over so we came back…. unfortunately there was only one and it was way off in the distance and it looked like a little white blob in the photo. So we continued on to the beach where we took a long stroll and collected a bunch of shells! After walking by the beach for an hour we headed back to Chincoteague to have some lunch. We stopped at The Crab Shack and all I could think of was “My Name is Earl”. The food from the Crab Shake is featured below! On our way out of the Island we stopped at Build Your Own Cookie (B.Y.O.C.)   and OHMYGOODNESSSSS!!! It was so yummy! (Insert the Heart Eye Emoji Here). 

Once we got home we ate the top layer of your wedding cake. Incredible Edibles  did an amazing job on our wedding cake and we were all impressed that even after a year in the freezer, our cake was STILL moist. It was also Lily Mae’s first birthday (talk about meant to be/ fate..she was born on our wedding day!) So we celebrated with a special dinner, lots of treats, a squeaky toy, a shirt that says “Happy Birthday to ME!” and its of kisses and snuggles. I think Lily had a good birthday, even though we felt guilty for missing most of it because we were away and traveling most of the day. 

On vacations, I don’t like to carry my big camera around, I mostly take pictures on my phone. But I did bring it and I took photos of the yellow cottage we stayed in. So I have attached some of the photos from our trip here!

 *** ALL businesses & venders are linked, underlined, and highlighted in purple, to see their websites, just click!!***

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